CJLD are proud to have chosen to support the Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre (CRCC) in 2021, the fourth year running. This means that our events during the year will raise funds for the charity to help ensure their remarkable work is able to continue.
What is the CRCC?
The CRCC is a specialised centre supporting people of all ages and genders who have experienced sexual abuse by offering a safe space for them. They take pride in delivering an empowering approach to meet each person’s individual needs and do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach. They provide the following 4 services to the survivors of sexual abuse completely free of charge:
1) Confidential and anonymous telephone and email service;
2) Counselling service;
3) Advocacy service (providing support through the criminal justice system, advising on what happens from making a police report, and on housing and benefits); and
4) Support groups (available to those who want to be around those who have gone through the same thing).
They will also soon have a live chat system available in order to support those victims who need conversations to be extra quiet and discreet.
Why we have chosen to support them
By the end of 2020, the rates of referrals to CRCC had been more than ever before.
The restrictions of COVID 19 have changed the way in which the charity operates. The helpline and email support service continues to be ran remotely, and the live chat service will soon be up and running. These new ways of working have required more software at the charity’s expense to ensure adapting to meet needs especially during this time.
As the demand and intensity for support needed has risen to the greatest it has ever been, CRCC are seen to be growing and adapting in order to meet the needs of victims.
This is where fundraising makes so much difference, to ensure they are able to continue their amazing work and to be able to help as many people as possible.
How to help
We look forward to our upcoming events this year, which will help raise funds to support the CRCC. If you would like to donate personally, please go www.cambridgerapecrisis.org.uk.